Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Research and Planning: History of Music Video

What do you think of when you think of music video?

I think of Michael Jackson's Thriller, which inevitably made a massive impact on the way we view music videos as the first feature length video with an almost movie inside. We had A-Ha and their diverse cartoon animations and Queen with interesting new light edits.

But.. how far does music video go back? We have the invention of the graamphone in 1900, the first sound film in 1927, Hollywood musicals prime time, the beginning of music channels with other branches (magazines, etc) and then MTV-Europe Awards in 1994.

The first music videos were recorded when the image was filmed separately to the audio and then they were merged together. Over time the quality improved and music videos became longer and the edits and speed became better and more enjoyable to watch.

Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Monkees, Queen, Duran Duran, Michael Jackson and Madonna were all big impacts on the development and change of music video.

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